CREDIT,USD,KES plus 164 world currencies

1 CREDIT = $100

To get 0.2 CREDIT, you need to register here , then register here-> to connect with AGENTS within your country. Your wallet will be credited with 0.2 CREDIT instantly after registration. Register now !

Join the financial revolution with the most advanced blockchain platform to run decentralized fintech. Our innovative Blockchain as Organization (BaO) architecture integrates financial technologies into an efficient, transparent, and reliable financial ecosystem.

Cryptographic VOTING Booth (eBallot Box)

AI Built Software with the slogan: The truth shall set you free! -- We are turning our attention toward improving the integrity standards of voting systems used in political elections worldwide. In order to ensure that political election results are honest, accurate, and accepted on a global scale, we are developing secure blockchain-based voting software that provides transparency into election results by allowing voters to independently audit the ballot box. Using cutting-edge technologies, such as blockchain technology and elliptic curve cryptography, and is being accomplished, all while protecting each voter’s right to privacy.

Exchange(like NSE)

We are introducing africa's first Decentralised Digital Exchange (DDE) which is interoperable with banks as well as crypto-chains like Ethereum, Bitcoin, Binance and Poligon.

Critical Data

Secured via a Cryptographic BlockChain database to offer a replacement to the current SQL based data centers used in Governments' HEALTH & LAND MINISTRIES, etc.


AcloudBank app: how it works

Imagine you run a florist – and you need an update to your website which is going to cost CREDIT 50. But you only have CREDIT 20 in your AcloudBank account. In order to pay for your new website design, you either need to take out a loan, or wait until you’ve saved up.

Solution: AcloudBank Mutual Crediting System

When you join a AcloudBank Mutual Crediting System you offer your goods and services to the other members of network, at exactly the same price as you would charge in conventional money (1 CREDIT is equivalent to 1 Credit), and receive an interest free line of credit in return. You offer CREDIT 50 worth of flowers to other members of the network and are allocated CREDIT 50 in credit. Your account balance starts at zero, but now you are able to order your website straight away. You contact Alice, a web designer who is part of the network, who agrees to upgrade your website for CREDIT 50. She designs the site and sends you a payment request, via her AcloudBank Mutual account, for CREDIT 50 in AcloudBank Mutual Crediting System. You log in to your AcloudBank Mutual Crediting System account and accept the payment request. The funds are transferred and your balance goes down by CREDIT 50 and Alice’s balance goes up by CREDIT 50. Your new website is up and running straight away, so you can take more orders for flowers.

Benefits of AcloudBank Mutual credit:

The Benefits of AcloudBank Mutual credit..

Decentralization via cloud-Bank & Votely apps

Cloud Bank co-op Cinese bank BoA Nance EU Bank World remit Western Union
Cloud Bank co-op Cinese bank BoA Nance EU Bank World remit Western Union
Blockchain Database (Hack proof)
Decentralized Database
Crypto-encriped Database
Decentralized Trading
Cannot block your money account
No 3rd-papty risks
Native currencies (Global)
Business ACC. Signatories
No withdrawal limits
No trading limits
No permanent account suspension
Decentralized chat
Htlc transactions(advanced)
Mobile app
Desktop app
Transactions per second 1,000,000 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
Fees 0.5$ 1.3% ~1.5 ~1.5 ~2.0 ~2.1 ~3.0 ~1.9
Has been hacked before No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Instant Payment process
Social Networking
Core Token CREDIT
Multi-signature account

Cryptographic Voting via eBallot Box

  • What are Blockchains?
    blockchain is a decentralized database based upon a carefully analyzed system of rules (a protocol) governing how that database can be updated. Blockchains come in two main flavors: public and private.
  • What is That in Voting then?
    Since their origins, humans have had difficulties. Bad ones. Life is hard. People get hurt. People die. But we all recognize that life could be beautiful, and we strive for that. To deal with the problems, we band together. To band together, we need organization, and that organization comes in two flavors: either we agree upon rules, or we appoint rulers. SOLUTION: Cryptographic voting booth & e-ballot box where VOTERS can AUDIT VOTES; all without compromising privacy or security.
  • What is messy?
    Agreeing on rules is one thing, but enforcing them is another. People get assigned to that, and that works well sometimes, but then those people need to organize themselves, which creates the same problem all over again. And then there's that whole issue of interpreting the rules, when ambiguities arise. SOLUTION: Cryptographic voting booth & e-ballot box where VOTERS can AUDIT VOTES; all without compromising privacy &security.
  • And the reality?
    The long and short of it is, agreeing upon rules hasn't worked well for us. We try to do it, but it's complicated, and so we end up appointing people to work on updating the rules, others to work on interpreting the rules, and still others to work on enforcing the rules. So far, agreeing upon rules is just a convoluted way of appointing de-facto rulers. SOLUTION: Cryptographic voting booth & e-ballot box where VOTERS can AUDIT VOTES; all without compromising privacy &security.
  • Votely

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    The first 10,000 registerred ussers receive 0.2 CREDIT. ( 1 CREDIT=100 USD)

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    The Cloud Bank (Universal: USA, Africa, Europe, Canada, Asia, Australia, South America)